What are my responsibilities as a member of a nonprofit board of directors?

by Edward G. Scherer, CPA Serving as a member of a nonprofit board is an honorable way to contribute to a cause that is important to you and give back to your community. However, many people do not realize that a board position comes with fiduciary responsibilities, including the following: Making careful decisions that protect … Read more

Do you have Unclaimed Property at the Pennsylvania Treasury?

by H2R CPA Team​ The Pennsylvania Treasury reports that it is currently holding $2.3 billion in unclaimed property. It also estimates that one in ten Pennsylvania residents have unclaimed property waiting for them. Could some of this property be yours? Sources of unclaimed property include: Abandoned bank accounts Forgotten stocks and bonds Uncashed checks, including paychecks Proceeds … Read more

Current issues faced by business owners are anything but simple

by Paul K. Rudoy, CPA/PFS Managing Partner, Paul K. Rudoy, CPA/PFS, shares his thoughts on the current issues faced by small and middle market business owners via Home Business Magazine. These issues include security, health care, tax rates and ROTHs.

What are the tax incentives available in 2017 for making improvements to business property?

by William M. Bodnar, CPA, MST, Tax Director​As an incentive for capital spending, accelerated tax deductions are now available for “Qualified Improvement Property” (QIP). QIP includes improvements to the interior of any nonresidential property after the building was originally placed into service, but may not include those to enlarge a building, any escalator or elevator … Read more

New HRA offers small employers an attractive, tax-advantaged health care option

by H2R CPA Team In December, Congress passed the 21st Century Cures Act. The long and complex bill covers a broad range of health care topics, but of particular interest to some businesses should be the Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) provision. Specifically, qualified small employers can now use HRAs to reimburse employees who purchase individual … Read more

How much is my business worth?

by Alex M. Kindler, CPA/ABV/CFF/PFS, CVA, MBA There are many circumstances which might require a professional assessment of the value of your business, such as selling the business, succession planning, divorce, retirement planning and estate planning. Because a business is a significant asset to owners, lenders, creditors and other parties of interest, it is critical … Read more

Change in 1099 Requirements and Due Date

by H2R CPA Team ​Beginning in January 2017 for the 2016 tax year, 1099-MISC forms need to be filed with the IRS, and a copy provided to the recipient, by January 31st. Filing is one month earlier than in prior years. You are required to issue a form if you pay more than $600 for services … Read more

Overtime Rule Will Not Go Into Effect Dec 1

by H2R CPA Team​On November 22nd, a Federal judge issued a preliminary injunction against a US Department of Labor Final Rule updating the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which was set to go into effect December 1, 2016. The rule specified a new salary level above which certain white collar workers may be exempt from overtime pay … Read more